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Regional Operations Management Team
Regional Operations Management Team
Regional Operations Management Team
The Regional Operations Management Team (ROMT) is driving the implementation of the regional efficiency agenda as part of the overall Business Operations Strategy (BOS) 2.0, which aims to enhance the efficiency of UN operations, eliminate duplication, and maximize economies of scale in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The ROMT has the following core functions:
Serve as a technical advisory group to the Regional Collaborative Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean (RCP LAC) and UN country teams (UNCTs), and Operations Management Teams (OMTs) on matters related to joint business operations at the regional level.
Provide technical support to national-level OMTs in the region regarding the development and implementation of their BOS 2.0, the Common Back Office (CBO) and Common Premises (CP).
Develop a regional BOS, including common service solutions at the regional level with the participation of all RCP LAC member agencies.
Develop and implement an annual operations and management work plan and budget, subject to approval by the RCP LAC.
Guide and supervise all ROMT Task Forces, including drafting their terms of reference, monitoring progress, and reporting to the RCP LAC.
When designing the regional BOS for Latin America and the Caribbean, ensure that clear and transparent Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are implemented to allow for the measurement of efficiency gains in cost and quality of service delivery. Review its ToRs.
When implementing the regional BOS, monitor common services solutions, review service delivery, and identify areas for improvement.
Report on the progress of the ROMT annual work plan to the RCP LAC.
The UNSDG Data Portal and UN INFO are part of the United Nations’ efforts to improve coherence, transparency, accountability and coordination to better address the needs and priorities in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UN INFO is an online planning, monitoring and reporting platform that digitizes the UN Country Team’s results frameworks (either the Development Assistance Framework or the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework), Coordination Surveys and Common Business Strategies.