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Issue-based Coalition on Climate Change and Resilience

IBC on Climate Change and Resilience

Issue-based Coalition on Climate Change and Resilience

Cover of Goal 1 No poverty
Cover of Goal 2 Zero hunger
Cover of Goal 03 Good health and well being
Cover of Goal 4 Quality education
Cover of Goal 5 Gender equality
Cover of Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation
Cover of Goal 7 Affordable and clean energy
Cover of Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth
Cover of Goal 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Cover of Goal 10 Reduce inequalities
Cover of Goal Sustainable cities and communities
Cover of Goal 12 Responsible consumption and production
Cover of Goal 13 Climate action
Cover of Goal 14 Life below water
Cover of Goal 15 Life on land
Cover of Goal 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
Cover of Goal 17 Partnerships for the goals


The IBC on Climate Change and Resilience (IBC-CCR) aims to enable United Nations agencies to work together to support a coherent and aligned implementation of the Global Agendas, including the 2030 Agenda, the UNFCCC including the Paris Agreement, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. This IBC aims to strengthen and streamline inter-agency coordination and UN system accountability on Climate Change, Resilience, and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) at the regional and sub-regional levels.  

The IBC-CCR supports this integrated approach for the implementation of climate change and resilience through joint programming, regional sectorial coordination mechanisms, intergovernmental processes, and knowledge exchange, and upholds the principle of “leaving no one behind” as a core approach that guides its work.

Notably, the group also serves as an entry point for the UN system at the regional and country levels to access general technical support on Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Resilience from the region, considering as well the need for an inclusive and green COVID-19 recovery.


Regional Summary: Gender mainstreaming in climate change, resilience and disaster risk reduction (EN) (ES)

Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: Pathways for sustainable development and policy coherence in the Caribbean region through comprehensive risk management

Regional Brief on Energy Transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean

Wildfires in Latin America: A preliminary analysis, messages and resources

Innovative Financial Instruments and Good Practices to achieve the SDGs and Paris Agreement in Latin America and the Caribbean

From Words to Action: Projects with Innovative Solutions to Promote Nature Conservation, Climate Action and Gender Equality

Brief: Multiple-hazards and systemic risk. Addressing climate-related disasters in times of COVID-19


Webinar: Desarrollo de La Niña en el 2024: condiciones actuales, impactos esperados y acciones preparatorias

Webinar: Preparation for the Impact of the El Niño Event in Latin America

Summary: El Niño event in the Americas and the Caribbean (EN) (ES)

Webinar series: Road to COP 28

Side event: Comprehensive Fire Management

Webinar series: Climate Change and Resilience in times of COVID-19. Multiple Hazards and Systemic Risk: Addressing Climate-Related Disasters in Times of COVID-19